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Booker T. Washington was born April 15, 1856 as a slave on the farm of James Burroughs. After the Civil War he was emancipated and became one of the few African Americans to complete school, whereupon he became a teacher. At the age of twenty-five he established a Tuskegge Institute. The goal of his school was to train African Americans in skills that would help the most.  The most famous product from Tuskegee Institute was George Washington Carver.Later on in 1895, Washington gave a speech that was soon known as the "Atlanta Compromise". Then in 1901 he published a autobiography called "Up From Slavery".

Booker T. Washington

"Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome."

Interesting Facts

  • He was the first  African American on a U.S. postage stamp.

  • Booker had George Washington Carver teach at his school.

  • He was the first African American man invited to the White House.

  • His father was a white plantation owner who he never met.

  • The "T" in his name stands for Taliaferro which is a name his mother gave him.

  • Booker and his students built the Tuskegee Institute.

  • He was married three times and each wife had an important role at the institute.

  • In 1872, Washington left home and walked 500 miles to Hampton Normal  Agricultural Institute in Virginia.



Contribution to Society



One of booker T. Washington was a educator, orator,and political leader. He was a representative of the African American community for years, from 1890 to 1915 . His biggest contribution to society was Tuskegee Institute. The institute educated many African Americans skills that would help them like shoemaking, printing, and carpentry. Each building of the school was built by the students. 

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